HSLBC core

Advisory Committee

advisory committee

We Modify the Gene Circuits of Human Liver Cells for You

Detailed services offered to the liver community

1)Supply of human hepatocytes from diseased explanted livers (NASH, Ethanol, etc) and/or liver metabolic diseases.

2)Supply of CRISPR/Cas9-based genetic editions of human fibroblast and/or iPS cells from patients with liver diseases.

3)Supply of human liver non-parenchymal cells from diseased explanted livers (NASH, Ethanol, etc) and/or liver metabolic diseases.

4)Supply of human fibroblast and/or iPS cells derived from patients with liver diseases (NASH, Ethanol, Liver metabolic diseases, etc)

5)Liver organoids—3D format– from liver cells or iPS cells from patients with liver diseases with or without genetic editions.

6)Liver microphysiological systems (Liver-on-a-Chip) with multicellular components (hepatocytes, biliary cells, endothelial cells) from liver diseased cells or iPS-derived liver cells.

We generate Human Hepatocytes from any source and modify any gene

Primary and Stem Cell

We have unique capabilities to isolate human hepatocytes from end-stage diseased livers

nash vs primary


Human Liver Disease Lab

Human Synthetic Liver Lab